Saturday, March 15, 2008


As we may have often realized, all human beings belong to a community and we all live in society. We do not live in isolation and various societal rules and norms may govern our behavior. The fundamental basics of social responsibility start in your very own home. Simple elements of good behavior e.g. each person takes care of his own belongings and is responsible for them should be taught at home.

We should never consider our children incapable or too young to learn about the concept of communities and society. Be it at home or in school, children are always going to be involved in some sort of social circle or the other. We must inculcate a strong sense of social consciousness in our children from as early an age as possible. This will enable our child to become a better person and a more accepted and valued member of society. Children accept and learn the most in their early childhood. Perceptions and beliefs are shaped by the age of 5-6. Therefore it is vitally essential to instill these social values in our children from early childhood. The most important thing that a child must be taught is responsibility. Be it responsibility for other people, our belongings or even others feelings as well as their own actions. It is never too early to inculcate such social values in your child. A child's interaction with family and friends teaches him rules, duties, responsibilities and the right course of action. Social values affect and shape the way in which your child will interact with others. Values like integrity, honesty, sensitivity, courage, loyalty and respect for others helps your child become a better person as well as an ideal citizen. As you all know, children learn the fastest by watching others, especially their own parents. If you as a parent practice good social behavior your child will automatically watch and learn from you. When you tell a child what is right and then when he sees it being practiced in his own home, such mannerism and behavior is firmly imprinted in him. You must teach your child to act appropriately in public places. Small things like picking up litter and throwing it in the bin or not plucking flowers from a garden greatly add to the magnanimity of your child's personality.



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