Saturday, January 12, 2008

Ace those Exams-For students

As Exams draw near, we know that the anxiety level rises, but what we may not know is that some of us tend to get over anxious. Sometimes we not only have to perform well to satisfy ourselves, but also to satisfy our parents.  The competitive spirit of the parents leads us to force ourselves to perform more than we may be able.  However, in such case kids perform poorly in their exams.


The best way to perform at your optimum level is to do regular studies and pay extra attention on the subjects you are weak at.  Once you start performing well in class tests, your self esteem rises, confidence builds up and the desire to do well motivates you to study hard and to perform even better the next time around.  By the time the final exams approach, you are a picture of confidence.


Always remember that when exams are approaching all you need is to work hard but you don't need to completely discourage extra-curricular activities.


The key to peform well is undoubtedly regularity and discipline.  However, you should not just stress on the academics only.  Extra curricular activities too should be given due importance as they help in shaping a complete personality.  It is possible that you excel in sports but not so in studies.  Playing a sport distresses a person and brings about a change in the personality for the positive.  It also builds focus, with the result that your academic performance too may improve.


Don't burden yourself thinking what others expect from you.  Instead of this set realistic standards for yourself and achieve them.  You are your best critic and best friend.  No one would know about your cpabilities better than you yourself.


Apart from this please stop comparing yourself with others.  The fact is that you are as good as the other child in your class.  May be not in mathematics but you might be better than someone in English.  So be positive and get good marks in Exams.



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